“Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Manhattan anymore (New York, or Kansas)!”‘
City of Yes Articles by CNU NYC Chair John Massengale
Part One: City of Yes Proposal Is a Free Pass for Big Real Estate
Part Two: I’m a New Yorker, Not a NIMBY
Part Three: The City of Yes Will Make Manhattan a Big Fat Mess
Let’s Give City of Yes Tough Scrutiny Before We Sign Off, Says One Critic
Big Real Estate’s Continuing Stranglehold Over New York City
More City of Yes Articles
Quote from Mayor Adams’ signature ‘City of Yes’ housing plan passes key NYC commission: “Leah Goodridge, who voted against the plan, said that some supporters have implied that City of Yes naysayers are “only white homeowners in Staten Island and Queens who are so-called NIMBYs, and that’s it, and so this project is for Black and brown [New Yorkers].”
“I really reject that narrative,” said Goodridge, who was appointed by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams. “There were lots of Black and brown New Yorkers who came and testified against this project, she added. “Precisely the wording and the framing that they used are, ‘Why are we giving away the city to private developers? What are we getting in return?’”